His Holiness, the Dalai Lama responded to the queries of the audience in an interactive session. Among the pool of questions that were asked he answered a few in his inimitable style.
When asked about the interrelation between Science and Buddhism, he called upon people to accept facts after analysing them rather than accepting on their face value. “Buddhism literature imbibes in itself scientific facts and also includes streams like Cosmology, Neuro-biology, Quantum Physics and Psychology as the four corners of religion. Internal Science comes from tradition,” he said.

Enlightening the crowd on ways of controlling anger His Holiness said, “It takes long time to control anger, but the intensity can be reduced.” He further added, “A long lasting anger results in hatred and ill feeling.”
One of the questions was how he spent his personal time. He mentioned elaborately about his daily course and his duties as a monk. The audience indeed was enthused to hear that he got up as early as 3.30 in the morning and took a heavy breakfast. “This is because I do not take my dinner,” he said with a toothy smile.
When questioned on the materialistic West influencing the young and ways to overcome it, he said that materialistic gain was just an illusion and would not give people the inner peace they desired. He added, “We must take a holistic view of life and not give priorities to materialistic aspects.”
Answering the question about broken families and the effect on children, the spiritual leader raised concerns about the growing number of divorces in the world, particularly in the West. Though it was a tough situation for the young minds to overcome, “sadness should give the victim inner strength,” he said.
- Jennifer, I M S Com
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