The social concerns of the College were yet again in focus as the 10-day Human Right week was inaugurated here on Wednesday. The event is organised in collaboration with South India Cell For Human Rights Education and Monitoring (SICHREM) and Indian Social Institute (ISI).

The UN slogan ‘SPEAK UP STOP DISCRIMINATION’ was emphasised throughout the event. The delegates spoke about the importance of Human Rights in the present Scenario. Dr Fr George, director of ISI called upon students to fight for Human Rights.

“If we don’t stop discrimination right now, I think, we would build a wrong India. As youngsters you should stand against such discrimination,” said Mr Mathew Philip, director of SICHREM. He also added his childhood experiences of hard struggle to substantiate the importance of Human Rights in the lives of every human being.

Students showcased a street play which carried a thought provoking message that went well with the importance of Human Rights. A dance show by the students wherein
music and choreography was composed by students themselves, added colours to the event. Towards the end of the programme, the chief guests and the students were asked to sign on the piece of cloth which said ‘Speak Up Stop Discrimination’.

“Such events are very good as they can create awareness among people about the importance of Human Rights and thus they can speak up when their rights are denied,” said Aneesh of II PMC.
- Navami I M S Com
Congratulation for this continued support and solidarity for a cause of human rights. Well appreciated..