“Let us contribute to the building of a new

He informed the students about the current situation in India and touched upon issues such as discrimination, corruption, developmental problems etc. He called upon the students to contribute to the development of India , and emphasised that “True freedom is not possible unless we contribute and participate.”

Vice Principal, Fr Clarence D’Souza reminded the students of the freedom struggle and related the struggle to the present day scenario of economic inequality. “Freedom has been achieved, we can boast about our culture and diversity; but freedom has to be filtered to a greater section of society,” he said.
Fr D’Souza added that, from 1947, freedom movements painted the colours of free India and today we carry those colours with pride and national fortitude.

The spirit of Independence Day was brought alive, when the tri-coloured flag was hoisted by Fr Ambrose Pinto, and the national anthem was sung. The National Cadets Corps (NCC) and students of various associations greeted the Principal and the Vice Principal.
- Steffi, James, Anna, Supriya, Sruti, I M S Com
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